Managed Services

Warrior Program | Supporting you to deliver value

Are you trying to ensure your cloud environment is secure, reliable, performant, optimised on costs and are reaching operational best practices?


Lack of resources, expertise or time
Managing multiple cloud services
Security needs to be monitored continuously
Need to stay in Compliance
Challenges managing costs

Why other solutions fall short?

Current services such as On-Prem, Traditional and Security service providers offer:
  • Management and processes that don’t work anymore
  • Traditional solutions that do not deliver auto-scaling, right-sizing, and alignment to seasonality/periodic peak work loads
  • Traditional solutions that do not deliver self healing, are designed for failure and aren’t aligned to business recoverability objectives
  • Expensive Software tools that only deliver point in time analysis and lag-based activities

Our Warriors are ready to support you

Our Managed Services will ensure your environment meets operational best practices and
make your cloud journey a success.
Operational Excellence Warrior
Laying the foundations for a successful cloud implementation and continued success
Cost Warrior
Helping you understand costs, so that you can optimize and deliver sustainable cost models into the future, whilst modernising your environment.
Security Warrior
Helping deliver security solutions in the cloud, to ensure security and governance requirements, and protecting your systems and data in the cloud
Performance Efficiency Warrior
Maximising customer experience and continuously improving your efficiency
Reliability Warrior
Helping build more cloud reliability into your solutions and Improving/building recoverability solutions
Get in touch today!